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Nobody's talking when the zombies come knocking...

Nobody knows why, or how, but something in civilization caused everyone to deteriorate and deform to the point of no return. You were one of the lucky ones, who escaped the infection and escaped to the vast desert. Now, with a handful of strangers, you have to fend of these zombies to save your life.

Zombies are your main enemies in Favicon.gifFavicon.gifDie2Nite Die2Nite. There are two different kinds of zombies, and they work separately. It's important to know how to deal with each kind.

Midnight Zombies

See also Time#Midnight Attack

There are zombies that attack the town at the same time every night. During Small fight.gifSmall fight.gifThe Attack The Attack, you can do nothing but pray that you won't be eaten alive. There is no way to kill these zombies, but they will eventually kill you. It's all you can do to build up your town in the hopes of staving them off for a few extra days.

These zombies come pounding at the Small door closed.gifSmall door closed.gifTown Gates Town Gates every night, looking for fresh flesh. By building Item plate.gifItem plate.gifDefence Defence, the town is able to keep the attacking zombies at bay. This won’t work forever though. As the attack sizes increase, they won’t rest until every last citizen is dead.

Dead Citizens

When your fellow citizens die, they will turn into zombies in the midnight attack. It can be devastating if you do not deal with them correctly.

Corpses in Town

(Citizen's) corpse has not been destroyed. It's entirely possible that it'll decide to wake up and eat you alive tonight.

Citizens who die inside the town, no matter what the cause, leave behind nasty looking corpses. It's important to remove their corpses before Small fight.gifSmall fight.gifThe Attack The Attack or they’ll come back with a vengeance. There are several options to remove their corpses:

If their corpses are simply left behind, the consequences are particularly devastating. When these citizens come back to life as zombies, each of them will do either one of the following:

  • Kill one random citizen. Home defense is completely ignored.
    • † (Citizen) dragged their huger-driven corpse to (citizen)'s house, smashed their door in rage, grabbed their head and smashed it against the wall in a bloody display of cerebral fireworks. Never forget to recycle dead citizens. Never!!
  • Toss a stone in the well and splash out about 20 Item water.gifItem water.gifWater Ration Water Rations. Note: Water in the bank cannot be destroyed.
  • Destroy a random object in the bank.
  • Remove all Small pa.gif of an unfinished construction project.

After Small fight.gifSmall fight.gifThe Attack The Attack, they will "sleep" again. If they are still left behind tomorrow, they will cause damage again in the next attack.

Corpses Outside

By dying outside the town, (citizen) has not left their fellow citizens in peace... yet.

Citizens who die outside in the Small world.gifSmall world.gifWorld Beyond World Beyond, no matter what the cause, drop a Item bone meat.gifItem bone meat.gifMeaty Bone Meaty Bone in the zone they died in, as well as anything they were carrying in their rucksack. However, if citizens die at the Small door closed.gifSmall door closed.gifTown Gates Town Gates outside, the objects they carry will go straight into the bank, but no entries will be recorded in the Item rp book2.gifItem rp book2.gifRegisters Registers.

Also they will come back as zombies at Small fight.gifSmall fight.gifThe Attack The Attack for the rest of the town's life. Note that citizens who died inside the town and were dragged out of the town will not be added to the numbers.

In last night's horde, X former residents who died in the World Beyond came back, gnashing their teeth and looking famished...
(If only one former resident died outside, his name will be called out in the entry.)

However, weird as it may sound, they do NOT actually increase the size of the hordes, even though the entry in the Gazette seems to indicate otherwise. For example if the size of the hordes is 200, former residents is 10. The size of the hordes remains 200, not 210.

If the gates are closed, the former citizens will always get blocked, no matter whether the town defence is enough to block the hordes. All points of town defence can still be used to block the hordes. The former citizens won't "consume" any point. Take the same example above, if the town defence is exactly 200, all of the hordes will be blocked, with all former residents being blocked.

If the gates are left open (or destroyed in a devastated town), the former citizens will get through and they will toss a stone in the well and splash out about 20 Item water.gifItem water.gifWater Ration Water Rations (Note: Water in the bank cannot be destroyed). This can be disastrous.

Also, if normal zombies get through, a random number of zombies will go to a random citizen's home and attack them. It does not spread evenly. At that time only your home defence will help to block the zombies (1 point of home defense = 1 zombie turned away). If the defence for their house is less than the zombies attacking, they die. If it is the same or more as the zombies attacking, they survive but usually become Status terror.gifStatus terror.gifTerrorised Terrorised.

For the very small chance of not getting Status terror.gifStatus terror.gifTerrorised Terrorised, the message from the Crow will be as follows:

"You were really sweating last night! You heard them groaning, banging around and yelling outside. Eventually your door gave way and you took refuge under your bed, clutching your remaining possessions, trying not to think about the situation. Then they left... Shaking with fear you eventually came out of your hiding place, grateful that you survived."

Lazy Zombies

Also known as lazy zeds. Not all zombies make it into the gate will attack citizens all the time. They can sometimes become lazy.

It is an advanced concept which expert players have to learn. If you play around with lazy zombies, you can survive even facing with tremendous number of the Hordes. The technique involved is to make sure only 10 citizens stay inside the town while the rest go out camping, reducing the number of attack zombies. The 10 citizens then upgraded their home to the max. See also Endgame Strategy.

When we have an overflow, the number of zeds attacking the citizen inside depends on how many people stayed inside town. The rest of the overflow zeds become lazy zeds--they wander and don't attack anyone. So if you understand how attack zeds are calculated, then just subtract that from the overflow zeds to find out the lazy zeds.


The town has various levels of immunity against overflow attack depending on difference situations:

  • On Day 5 or less, most population (perhaps over 70%) of the town is protected and will not be attacked by zombies in case of overflow. This helps to limit carnage in towns by malicious play (e.g. open gates just before the attack) in early stages.
  • After day 5, if the gates are open, some population of the town (perhaps about 25%) will not suffer from zombie attack in case of overflow.
  • After day 5, if the gates are closed and there are more than 25 citizens survived, some population (perhaps 40-60%) of the town will not suffer from zombie attack in case of overflow. This is a measure to prevent a huge number of deaths in just one day.
    • If the same condition but 25 or fewer citizens survived, no immunity exists.


The attack zeds follow this simple formula that reflects the number of citizen inside and the day of overflow:

attack zed = (day + x) * y,


day = day of overflow

x = 1 for day 6 to day 14
x = 4 for day 15 to day 18
x = 5 for day 19 to 23
x = 6 for day 24 or higher

y = 10 if citizen # in town is 10 or less
y = citizen # if citizen # in town is 11 to 25.

The formula does not work if citizen # is greater than 25 and if day is 5 or less.

If the overflow zed is greater than the predicted attack zed, then the difference becomes the lazy zed seen for that day. If the overflow zed is less than the predicted attack zed, then there will be no lazy zed, ie., all overflow zed will attack.

Zombies in World Beyond

When you explore the Small world.gifSmall world.gifWorld Beyond World Beyond, it is very likely you will encounter zombies. Those zombies hang around motionless, scattered around different zones in the Small world.gifSmall world.gifWorld Beyond World Beyond, trying to trap incautious citizens that get too close. However they won't make any attempt to attack citizens until Small fight.gifSmall fight.gifThe Attack The Attack. After that, they will become particularly violent, searching for citizens to eat.

They won't just go away like the Midnight Zombies after each night. Instead they will spawn more and accumulate each night. If you don't kill them, they will overrun the desert soon enough. But killing them will not cause any effect on the numbers of midnight zombies though.

Don't go outside if you are terrorised. You are too frightened to kill zombies. Your action will be vastly limited too. You will get trapped by just 1 zombie.


On the map in the world beyond, Different color indicate a specific estimated amount of zombies.

Trapped by Zombies

Zombies in the Small world.gifSmall world.gifWorld Beyond World Beyond will not attack you until Small fight.gifSmall fight.gifThe Attack The Attack. Instead they can cause you to become trapped, i.e. you cannot be moved out of the zone.

There are various ways of Small wrestle.gifSmall wrestle.gifFighting Fighting these zombies, some better than others, but if you don't kill them somehow then they will quickly start to close in.

Zombie Respawn

Each night after the midnight attack, zombies will respawn or not based on the following situations:

  • Empty zones
    • Adjacent zones are empty too: No zombies will spawn.
    • Adjacent zones are infected (have zombies): The zone may spawn 0-4 zombies. The number of zombies in the adjacent zones do not seem to matter. Rather it is the number of adjacent zones which are infected matters. The higher the number of adjacent infected zones, usually the higher the number of spawning is.
  • Zombie zones: 1-2 zombies spawn.
    • If fully surrounded, 1 zombie will spawn.

There is one exception to the above which is global respawn.

The french version of the game has illustrated this concept in depth. Mind you, different versions have some discrepancies in gameplay and mechanisms. You may take a look at [1].

Global Respawn

Global Respawn is the situation where zombies will respawn across the entire map randomly if the total population drops below a certain threshold. It is a measure which prevents the elimination of zombies in the Small world.gifSmall world.gifWorld Beyond World Beyond.

In Season 1, it is suggested that if the population of the zombies falls under the following threshold, it will trigger global respawn.

Threshold = Day number x Map width × 2 (this is the formula for small maps)
Threshold = 26 x (day number)(this is the formula for distant maps)

Zombie Zoo

Zombie Zoo is an advanced tactics which ensures the citizens can go scavenging more safely by confining all zombies in a specific area.

The tactics involved are as follows. Don't kill zombies in the specific area targeting to be a zoo to keep them all in. Kill the rest who are located in other areas. Zombies only respawn and concentrate in the "zoo" in this way. Citizens can go out scavenging more safely and efficiently in zombie-free zones.

The specific area can't be too small, or you may risk over-killing which will lead to the trigger of global respawn. Your plan will then be ruined. The threshold keeps increasing each day, so the area may have to be adjusted accordingly.

Zombie Despair

It is an advanced theory which says one zombie dies from despair for every 2 killed in the same zone each night.


  • According to the description of Small bokorsword.gifSmall bokorsword.gifSword of Bokor Sword of Bokor, some zombie hordes that assault during the night are lead by a zombie pack leader, in packs of around a hundred.

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