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Unspecified Meat

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[v·e] 53 Unspecified Meat Item undef.gif
You are fairly sure that this wet, sticky thing can be eaten. Either way, it doesn't smell too bad and it's not moving.
Item watergun opt empty.gifItem watergun opt empty.gifGuard Weapon Guard Weapon (2 attack pts)
Category Items
Sub Category Food
When used
Restored Small pa.gif
Max (6) Small pa.gif
Gives status
Status hasEaten.gifStatus hasEaten.gifFed Fed

Even though you can tell what Small howlingbait.gifSmall howlingbait.gifAnimals Animals you are Item meat.gifItem meat.gifButcher Butchering, there is no telling what diet they did have. Is their Item undef.gifItem undef.gifUnspecified Meat Meat really good for your health now? You won't have time to find out.



  • Eat
    • Restores up to your maximum Small pa.gif (6 for a healthy person).
    • Gives the Status hasEaten.gifStatus hasEaten.gifFed Fed status.
  • As a basic ingredient in the Item machine 2.gifItem machine 2.gifKitchen Kitchen.
  • Guard weapon, 2 attack pts.