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[v·e] Thirsty Status thirst.gif
You are thirsty... This happens in the morning if you haven't drank the night before, or if you've been walking in the desert for a long time...
Category Status
Sub Category Nutrition

Thirst is a reality of life in a zombie-infested desert. Whether through over-exertion or the simple lack of resources, eventually a citizen will become Status thirst.gifStatus thirst.gifThirsty Thirsty. Failing to treat this will cause them to become Status dehyd.gifStatus dehyd.gifDehydrated! Dehydrated!, which in turn leads to Death.



If a citizen goes to sleep Status thirst.gifStatus thirst.gifThirsty Thirsty and also not Status hasDrunk.gifStatus hasDrunk.gifRefreshed Refreshed, they will awaken the next day Status dehyd.gifStatus dehyd.gifDehydrated! Dehydrated!
