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The Well

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The Well is where the citizens go each day to collect their allotted Item water.gifItem water.gifWater Ration Water Ration. In each new town, the well begins filled with anywhere from 80-180 (more information needed) water rations.

Ability to Take Water From Well

Each citizen can take 1 Item water.gifItem water.gifWater Ration Water Ration from the well each day.

If the Small water.gifSmall water.gifPump Pump is built, each citizen can take up to 2 Item water.gifItem water.gifWater Ration Water Rations from the well each day.

If the town is in Chaos Mode, each citizen can take up to 3 Item water.gifItem water.gifWater Ration Water Rations from the well each day, if the pump is built. If the pump is not built, every citizen is still limited to 1 Item water.gifItem water.gifWater Ration Water Ration from the well each day.

Adding More Water

You need clean water (not from a Jerrycan, for example) in your rucksack.

Water Turrets

If the Item tube.gifItem tube.gifWater Turrets Water Turrets are upgraded, they will take some water from the well during the attack and boost the town's defense. If there is no water in the well, the upgrade will be ignored.

  • Item tube.gifItem tube.gifWater Turrets Water Turrets will not drain the well initially, but will begin to do so once they are upgraded
    • Level 1 will drain 2 rations each day
    • Level 2 will drain 4 rations each day
    • Level 3 will drain 6 rations each day
    • Level 4 will drain 9 rations each day
    • Level 5 will drain 12 rations each day