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Season 9
From Die2Nite Wiki
Season 9: La Villa Nostra started on March 8, 2014. The following changes have been made:
- Changes:
- "Private towns have evolved: From now on, the crow will be able to configure private towns exactly as the community wish them to be! Remember your liver is at risk, as they also have the ability to kill you instantly if your actions are not deemed acceptable in these event towns."
- "Night's watch re-balancing: The watch has been altered slightly as to favour construction of defensive structures. The attack curve has also been modified to avoid an excess of zombies at the town walls."
- "New texts to be found in the World Beyond: The chronicles of Die Verdammten have been boosted by another dozen or more roleplay texts."
- Items:
- Novelty Torch (2 charges) (, ) are added.
- Burning Laser Pointer (4 charges) (, , , ) are added.
- Broken staff gets a new image . It used to have the same image as Staff.
- Fat Serpent gets a new image . It used to have the same image as Huge Snake (Ophiophagus trouser).
- ANZAC Badge is re-implemented in early April 2014 for the UFC community event and is removed again on 28 April.
April 4, 2014
Update of April 4, 2014.
Season 9: Version 4.3 "patched".
I. Make watch more easy to plan
II. Diverse and varied patches.
III. Private town:
I. Make watch more easy to plan
- Watchman team up as S8.
- Defences watchmen are cumulative. This combined defence is the number of zombies stop.
- Dead Watchman stop as many zombies as there defence minus -1.
- that mean 1 zombie get inside... why? because :P :D its fun :D
- Watchman and not Watchman got the same overflow if they dont cover the attack
- that mean its equal for all in town... you all can die :P
- The chances of survival for watchman are always personal, but are simplified:
- The chances of survival decreases by 5% for each additional watch.
- that mean, the number of watches made is cumulative. 5 watches represent -25%. (oh! so not only cumulative night, its total cumulative from the start of the town)
- Bonus or penalties from state (alcohol, drug, ghouls and all) are still the same as before same for the Hero class effect (tamer and guardian)
- The defence provided by watchmen no longer affects their chances of survival. (No need to balance the defences).
- That mean, the only risk is to have overflowing.
Additional Details:
- Any watchman on his first night got 95% chance of survival, which can be influenced by states and hero class.
- This patch is for season 9... who knows what season 10 will get us :D but we will try to get it simple to understand :)
- The problem with "Guitars", with "Washing machines" and with "beer fridge" that disappear instead of breaking on watch in distant region is corrected
- The logs of the attack now specify which players were on Watch.
II. Diverse and varied patches.
- Players devoured when your a "Ghoul" give hero day again. The change is not retroactive.
- Generally, donations of heroes Day, Hero Days gains by "Ghoul" and "Last man standing" should again be functional for all.
- You can now recharge the LAZOR in town
- A player waiting to get escort can not go into a ruin.
- Multiple vulnerabilities related to the ruins and validation of reward in Small Town are now corrected.
- A system is set up against repeated suicide by dehydration day 1.
- If first death from dehydration day1: Warning + Opportunity ReJump.
- If second death dehydration day1: Banishment and unable ReJump for 4 days.
III. Private cities:
Several changes and corrections have been made at this level.
The Crows will make various tests to verify this. There will be undoubtedly further information from them later.