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[v·e] 281 SawdustSteak Item woodsteak.gif
A slice of meat, covered in sawdust and wood chippings... Only they're not chips, but rather woodworm, which is logical enough seeing as the thing won't stop moving.
Category Items
Sub Category Food
When used
Restored Small pa.gif
Max + 1(7) Small pa.gif
Gives status
Status hasEaten.gifStatus hasEaten.gifFed Fed

This slab of coagulated sludge, mixed with sawdust and several insects, provides the ideal daily dose of cellulose and proteins. And an almost deadly dose of at least a dozen other substances.



  • Eat
    • Restores up to your maximum Small pa.gif with a bonus of 1 Small pa.gif (7 for a healthy person).
    • Gives the Status hasEaten.gifStatus hasEaten.gifFed Fed status.


There was a spelling error in the description ("ligical" instead of "logical") till season 5.