Oath of the Live2nite Brotherhood
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We who seek to wear the camouflage cloak and move unseen through the wastes, who seek to dart impudently through the densest ranks of the undead, who seek to beat paths into Hell so that the feet of the living shall never walk into danger, must have a code that guides our hearts and our actions. Within the tenets of this code, the scout's mind is sharp, his decisions sure and swift, and his survival in the wastes assured. In the footprints of the scouts of the Live2Nite brotherhood, order springs like geysers of fresh water amid the dry sands of chaos.
All scouts at this time who wish to pledge themselves to the Live2Nite brotherhood raise high the thumb, index and ring fingers of the left hand and pledge the L2N Brotherhood Oath:
- A Live2Nite leaves no man in the wastes who requires his help.
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- A Live2Nite leads the way for scavengers to dig in safety.
- A Live2Nite sleeps in nothing but tents, for wood is precious and meant to protect the helpless.
- A Live2Nite may call for help, but never admit his camouflage has failed.
- A Live2Nite never leaves the body of another Live2Nite in the desert - he will retrieve it and use it for trap bait, for a Live2Nite is dedicated to helping others, even in death.
- A Live2Nite does not say "hopeless." No matter how sure the demise and how nigh the end may be, he ends each evening reciting the Live2Nite brotherhood motto: "Tonight, we live!"
Go forth with the L2N badge upon your cowl and spread order among the living.
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"Tonight we live!"
Author : Soupfist