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From Die2Nite Wiki
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New Site

Please bear with us as we continue to make some cosmetic changes.

Due to site slowness and the inability to get admins to respond, we have copied over the articles and edits from the old wiki. Additionally, we are removing all ads so that the site is in line with Die2Nite site rules and can be re-added to the site directory.

If you are an admin at the old site or had special privileges there, please contact spacekadt to be set up with your old rights. We have no desire to "steal" the wiki from you, only to host it on a more responsive server.

New and old editors: join our chatroom to learn about editing, or general help regarding the wiki. Also join our Twinoid group! You'll find links to help facilitate updates.


1st April 2015, Update 4.5 - Save our Souls, return of shamans, and other soul balancing. Dream is working on details on the forum.

7th March 2013, Update 4.1 - Insidious Bugs, fixed glitches and tweaked stats related to the newly introduced R guard.gifR guard.gifWatchmen Watchmen and Small ghoul.gifSmall ghoul.gifGhoul Ghoul, and adjusted the stats of certain buildings at Item metal beam.gifItem metal beam.gifConstruction Sites Construction Sites.
5th November 2012, Season 6 (4.0) - Death Watch, introduced the R guard.gifR guard.gifWatchmen Watchmen and Small ghoul.gifSmall ghoul.gifGhoul Ghoul, and tweaked the stats of many buildings at Item metal beam.gifItem metal beam.gifConstruction Sites Construction Sites.
12th April, Season 5 - Shamanic Monday, introduced the Item shaman.gifItem shaman.gifShaman Shaman and Item soul blue.gifItem soul blue.gifLost Souls Lost Soul.
20th February, Favicon.gifFavicon.gifDie2Nite Die2Nite officially merged with Twinoid.
1st December, Hardcore towns were introduced.
15th November, Season 4 - Going Underground, introduced the Item surv book.gifItem surv book.gifSurvivalist Survivalist and the Item keymol.gifItem keymol.gifTechnician Technician, as well as exploring Buildings.
17th August, Item photo 3.gifItem photo 3.gifPre-war Camera Pre-war Camera fixed, now all players with 6 months of hero time receive the camera.
21st July, Season 3 - A Chemical Necromancy, the update primarily consists of an overhaul to the Item metal beam.gifItem metal beam.gifConstruction Sites Construction Sites taking the building total up to 140 and requiring Item bplan u.gifItem bplan u.gifBlueprints Blueprints to be found before most buildings can be built.

Latest news

Insidious Bugs

Less tolerance, more violence. You know what that means... it's tie[sic] for a new season on Die2Nite!

Will you be able to cheat, lie and manipulate your way to the top of the World Beyond rankings?

Time will tell... CROOOOAAAA...!

Upcoming Events

The Die2Nite community is always active, trying to get the most out of the game. These are some important events soon to be taking place within the game.
  • None at the moment - There doesn't seem to be any upcoming events!
Date: To Be Determined (If we missed something, tell us here!)

Wiki mysteries

There are many mysteries we still haven't solved here on the wiki, some bigger than others. Perhaps you can help answer them.

Did you know...

Main topics

Favicon.gifFavicon.gifDie2Nite Die2Nite


Small world.gifSmall world.gifWorld Beyond World Beyond

Small human.gifSmall human.gifCitizen Citizen

Small human.gifSmall human.gifJobs Jobs

Small falsecity.gifSmall falsecity.gifTown Town

Item chest citizen.gifItem chest citizen.gifThe Bank The Bank


Sister projects

Official apps

More information on the Applications page.

Other Tools