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[v·e] Dehydrated! Status dehyd.gif
Your thirst has become critical! Drink something quickly or you risk dying!
Category Status
Sub Category Nutrition

Dehydration is a dangerous status when in the desert. When thirst is left untreated for too long, a citizen will become Status dehyd.gifStatus dehyd.gifDehydrated! Dehydrated!, which puts them on Death's Door.


  • Dehydration is encountered any time a Citizen goes to sleep Status thirst.gifStatus thirst.gifThirsty Thirsty and also not Status hasDrunk.gifStatus hasDrunk.gifRefreshed Refreshed.
  • Walking 11 squares in the desert while Status thirst.gifStatus thirst.gifThirsty Thirsty will make you dehydrated immediately. See the Zombie Survival Almanac for more information on how to avoid this.
    • The counter does not reset even if you return town and go out again. For example, if you walk 6 squares and return town. Walking 5 squares more will immediately "downgrade" your status.


  • If a citizen goes to sleep Status dehyd.gifStatus dehyd.gifDehydrated! Dehydrated!, no matter whether they are Status hasDrunk.gifStatus hasDrunk.gifRefreshed Refreshed, they will die that night.
  • Continue to walk 11 squares more while Status dehyd.gifStatus dehyd.gifDehydrated! Dehydrated! will result in immediate death.
    • The counter does not reset even if you return town and go out again.
    • If death by dehydration occurs outside of town, no Item bone meat.gifItem bone meat.gifMeaty_Bone Meaty Bone will be left behind.



  • The 'My Daily Tasks' list on the Overview of the Town page will list "drink (or die tonight)" as the top action to do that day.