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Spicy Chinese Noodles

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Revision as of 01:03, 19 March 2013 by AzyWng (talk)

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[v·e] 150 Spicy Chinese Noodles Item food noodles hot.gif
Heavily seasoned chinese noodles! This makes a pleasant change from eating things that are decomposing.
Category Items
Sub Category Food
When used
Restored Small pa.gif
Max + 1 (7) Small pa.gif
Gives status
Status hasEaten.gifStatus hasEaten.gifFed Fed

You can find the Spicy Chinese Noodles completed in some Special Zones. Building it from the seperate ingredients is considered a complete waste, because it combines two 6 Small pa.gif items (Item water.gifItem water.gifWater Ration Water Ration and Item food noodles.gifItem food noodles.gifChinese Noodles Chinese Noodles) into a 7 Small pa.gif food (not including the AP needed to find the Strong Spices and Noodles). This is why the Item spices.gifItem spices.gifStrong Spices Strong Spices should never be brought to town. People have been hanged for less serious offenses than making the Spicy Chinese Noodles...



  • Eat to restore up to your maximum Small pa.gif with a bonus of 1 Small pa.gif (7 for a healthy person).