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[v·e] 1064 Predictor Item tagger.gif
The predictor is a calculator of sorts, which estimates the magnitude of and works out details relating to the attack. In particular, it gives an estimation of TOMORROW'S attack !
Category Buildings
Sub Category Watchtower
Item bplan u.gifItem bplan u.gifBlueprints Blueprint Item bplan c.gifItem bplan c.gifConstruction Blueprint (common) common
Small parent.gif Parent building Item tagger.gifItem tagger.gifWatchtower Watchtower
Small pa.gif Action Points cost Small pa.gif 20
Tag 2.gif Resource cost Item rustine.gifItem rustine.gifDuct Tape×1 Item electro.gifItem electro.gifElectronic component×1

With a better scanning device, you can see further, although not clearer for some reason. Now you can make out the outline of zombies even further away...


  • Once the best possible estimate of tonight's Small fight.gifSmall fight.gifThe Attack The Attack is made by 24 Small human.gifSmall human.gifCitizen Citizens (12 with the Item tagger.gifItem tagger.gifScanner Scanner built) at the Item tagger.gifItem tagger.gifWatchtower Watchtower, further scans will estimate tomorrow's attack using the Item tagger.gifItem tagger.gifPredictor Predictor.
    • 24 citizens are required to get the best possible estimate for tomorrow.
    • The same citizen can estimate both today and tomorrow's attack, but todays attack must be estimated fully to do that.
    • You will have to estimate the next day again from 0%.
